



Abbreviations: Executive Committee (EC), School of Medicine (SoM), Graduate Student(s) (GS)


Program overview

The School of Medicine, the Department of Biology and the Department of Psychology of the University of Crete organize and operate from the academic year 2024-2025, an Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program of Studies entitled "Neurosciences" in accordance with the provisions of Law 4957/2022.

The Program offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art training on Cellular, Molecular, Developmental, Systems, Cognitive, Translational and Clinical Neurosciences. Students are provided with advanced theoretical knowledge and research training and are competently prepared for to follow careers in academia, research institutes, public bodies or the private sector internationally.

The Program aims to promote graduates with accredited studies in Medicine, Biology, Pharmacy, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, and Chemistry as well as in any field related to Neuroscience.

Duration of Studies

The Program awards a Master’s Degree (MSc) upon completion of a  four-semester studies program (totally 120 ECTS).

During the first two semesters, students are required to complete five (5) mandatory courses and a number of elective courses. During the third semester,  students are required to complete two (2) three-month laboratory rotations, and during the fourth semester, they are required to complete a research thesis (Master Diploma Thesis).

The program requires full-time, mandatory attendance. The official language of the Program is English.

A maximum number of fifteen (15) graduate students will be admitted every 2 years. Furthermore, up to two (2) applicants who have received a scholarship for graduate students from Governments, Scholarship Foundations, International Bodies, etc. can be additionally admitted, should they meet the necessary requirements.

For the successful completion of the Program and the award of the Master's degree, the student must accumulate at least one hundred and twenty (120) ECTS, and specifically: a) at least sixty (60) ECTS from compulsory and elective courses, b) thirty 30 ECTS from the 2 laboratory exercises (rotations), and c) thirty (30) ECTS from the successful completion of the Master's Thesis.

The (indicative) curriculum per semester is as follows:


Code Nr


Τitle of Course


Compulsory (C) /

Elective (E)


(European Credit Transfer

System Credits)


  Semester A


  Cellular and Molecular Neurosciences




  Systemic  Neurosciences




  Principles and Methods of the Study of the Nervous System




  Developmental Neurobiology








  Drug Development




  Imaging of CNS Anatomy and Biological Processes 




  Physiology of the Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Adrenal (HPA) Axis




  Total number of ECTS (minimum): 30



  Semester B


  Neurochemistry / Neuropharmacology








  Regenerative Pharmacology




  Neuropsychology: Theory and Implementation




  Neural Basis of Behavior




  Pathophysiology and Molecular Basis of Neurological Diseases




  Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory




  Principles of Computational Modeling in Neural Circuits




  Aging and Degeneration of the Nervous System




  Total number of ECTS (minimum): 30


  Semester C




  Laboratory  Rotation 1




  Laboratory Rotation 2




  Total number of ECTS: 30


  Semester D



  Research Diploma Thesis




  Total number of ECTS: 30


  Total ECTS (A+B+C+D): 120


The language of the program is English. Attendance is compulsory with a 90% attendance rate.

Course Description

A Semester

- Course "Cellular and Molecular Neurosciences" - 8 ECTS

The course aims to introduce students to basic concepts of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

- Course "Systemic Neurosciences” - 8 ECTS

This course covers in 11 lectures basic principles and data on sensory, motor and cognitive functions with emphasis on the mechanisms of the nervous system that carry them out.

- Course "Principles and Methods of the Study of the Nervous System" - 5 ECTS

The aim of this course is to cover the most important techniques used for sampling as well as monitoring neural activity in neuroscience: their principles, their advantages and disadvantages, and how they can be combined to answer specific questions.

- Course "Developmental Neurobiology" - 4 ECTS

The aim of this course is to acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms of nervous system (NS) development.

- Course "Biostatistics" - 4 ECTS

The course covers concepts of experimental design and data analysis for biomedical studies. Principles of clinical research methodology and evidence-based medicine. Descriptive statistics, graphical representations of data, central limit theorem, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, t-test, ANOVA, analysis of variance tables, correlation, simple and multiple linear regression.

- Course “Drug Development” - 2 ECTS

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of Pharmacology required for the design of new drugs as well as their evaluation, development and clinical application. In particular, students will learn the design of new molecules (drug candidates) based on the structure of existing drugs and their receptor structure. The importance of selective interaction of new drugs with specific types of receptors will be emphasized, as receptor selectivity reduces the side effects of a drug. In addition, students will learn the methodology and steps required for a new molecule to reach clinical application from its design.

- Course "Imaging of CNS Anatomy and Biological Processes" - 2 ECTS

The course covers Methods of Central Nervous System Imaging, Imaging of Structures and Anatomy of the Central Nervous System, Basic Principles of Designing Mechanism Imaging Studies for Cognitive Functions, Techniques of fMRI Data Analysis for the Study of Cognitive Functions, Structural and Functional Neuroimaging in Migraine and other Primary Headaches, Neuroimaging of Motor Diseases and Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System, Imaging of Acute Cerebral Ischemia and Rehabilitation after Ischemic Stroke

- Course "Physiology of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis" - 2 ECTS

The aim of this course is to understand the physiology of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Endocrine axis and how it connects the Nervous and Endocrine systems with the other systems of the body.

In addition, students will understand the importance of this axis for the survival of the body and will be taught approaches to study the normal function as well as dysfunction of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis.

Semester 2

- Course "Neurochemistry-Neuropharmacology" - 6 ECTS

The aim of this course is to understand the role of the main neurotransmitters and neurotrophic factors, as well as their intracellular signaling systems in the physiology and pathophysiology of the nervous system. Students will be expected to immerse themselves in basic neurochemical-neuropharmacological research through critical evaluation of current topics in neuropharmacology from the contemporary literature

- Course "Psychopharmacology" - 4 ECTS                                                                                                     

The course focuses on understanding the effects of drugs on the brain and behavior, emphasizing recent developments in the field.

- Course “Regenerative Pharmacology” - 4 ECTS

The aim of this course is to introduce and deepen the knowledge of graduate students on the regeneration of neural tissue after injury or degeneration, the thorough study of cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurogenesis in the adult brain and the therapeutic approaches developed in the field of Regenerative Neuroscience.

- Course "Neuropsychology: Theory and Implementation" - 4 ECTS

This course is a comprehensive introduction to the field of Neuropsychology. The aim is an in-depth knowledge and understanding of (a) classical and contemporary theories in neuropsychology, (b) neuropsychological functions, their neuroanatomical underpinnings and the way they regulate human behavior and (c) the clinical picture and etiology of neuropsychological syndromes and deficits.

- Course "Neural Basis of Behavior" - 4 ECTS

In this course students will learn the current theories of how various behavioral processes such as reward, addiction, aggression, social interaction, maternal behavior, sexual behavior, attention and anxiety are generated and supported.

- Course "Pathophysiology and Molecular Basis of Neurological Diseases" - 6 ECTS

In this course students will delve into the specific mechanisms of the pathophysiology of major neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Amyotrophic and Multiple Sclerosis, and the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of these diseases.

- Course "Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory" - 6 ECTS

In this course students will learn the basic theories about the neurobiological basis of different types of memory as well as the different stages of memory and learning processes both at the cellular level and at the level of neural networks.

- Course “Principles of Computational Modelling in Neural Circuits” - 6 ECTS

The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the basic principles of theoretical modelling of the structures and function of neural tissue and its interconnections, as well as the applications found in this field.

- Course "Aging and Degeneration of the Nervous System" - 4 ECTS

This course covers the basic principles of aging and degeneration of the nervous system in model organisms (e.g. D. melanogaster, M. musculus, D. rerio, etc.). Through lectures and student presentations, topics such as lesions in the NS, mechanisms of neuronal cell aging, demyelination and neurodegeneration, neurodegenerative diseases, mechanisms of regeneration of the NS are covered.

Semester 3

Laboratory Rotation 1 and 2 - 15 ECTS each

Supplementary research project under the supervision of a lecturer. It aims at introducing original research in a field of neuroscience, familiarizing the students with research methods, experimental design process, data analysis and presentation of research papers. 

Semester 4

Research Diploma Thesis - 30 ECTS

Original research project carried out in the 4th semester under the supervision of a lecturer. It aims to complete a small, original research project, including experimental design, data collection, data analysis and comprehensive written and oral presentation.

In addition to the above courses, the students will be required to attend the Program's seminar series, as well as the special seminars offered on bioethics, ethical principles in research and the use of experimental animals, and paper writing.

 Course recognition

If the learning outcomes and learning content correspond to level 6 according to the specific requirements of the National Qualifications Framework, undergraduate courses may be recognized as equivalent to postgraduate courses, upon application by the student and decision of the Program.

Students may take courses (undergraduate and postgraduate) from the Faculty of Medicine or other departments, subject to the approval of the Program. The postgraduate courses will be recognized, and the final grade will be considered in the student’s degree grade if they have been taught in English. Otherwise, they will be mentioned in the Diploma Supplement but will not be considered in the degree grade. Undergraduate courses will be included in the Diploma Supplement of the student but will not count towards the degree.

Grading courses - workshops - assignments and grading scale

The students are graded on a scale of 10 with a grade of 5.0 as a promotable grade.

Examination Rules and Performance Evaluation of the students

Courses are examined by written examination and/or presentation of papers. In laboratory exercises, the student is evaluated by the course supervisor based on his/her attendance, theoretical training and laboratory technical performance.

The evaluation of the performance of the students  is carried out each semester.

Course Review

In case of failure, the student has the possibility to be re-examined once more. In the event of a second failure, the student is examined, at his/her request, by a three-member committee of members of the faculty’s teaching staff, who have the same or a related subject as the course being examined and who are appointed by the Board of Studies. The lecturer in charge of the examination is excluded from the committee.

Research Diploma Thesis

By the end of the third semester, the student submits to the Program's Secretariat an application, which includes a brief summary of the proposed thesis, the proposed supervisor and the other members of the Examination Committee, who must have the same or a related scientific specialization as the subject of the program. 

The topic of the thesis and the composition of the three-member committee are approved by the Program.

In case the application is not submitted by the end of the third semester, the Program may appoint the Supervising Professor, who is required to be a member of the Program, as well as the other two members of the Examination Committee, who will then, in consultation with the Program, determine the topic.

Presentation and completion of the Research Diploma Thesis

After the completion of the Research Diploma Thesis, the student submits copies of the final draft of the thesis to the Supervisor and the other two members of the Three Member Examination Committee. If there is a positive decision by the Three Member Examination Committee, the date and place of the public support/evaluation of the Research Diploma Thesis is set by the Program.

The text of the thesis must meet the requirements and structure of a scientific paper, i.e. it must include a description of the topic of the thesis, a description of the findings - results of the thesis, the methodology, assumptions, bibliography and any other necessary supporting or explanatory elements (necessary figures, diagrams, photographs, images, etc.). 

It is written in English and is accompanied by a short summary of about 300 words in Greek and English. The length of the paper may be between 12,000 and 15,000 words.  In addition, in the first few pages of the paper, the student must state that the paper is not the product of plagiarism, either in whole or in part.

After the presentation - support of the  Research Diploma Thesis, the three-member Examination Committee prepares and signs a record of the Public Presentation of the thesis in which any comments or remarks as well as the final grade of the thesis are recorded.

The final copy of the Research Diploma Thesis is submitted, after its acceptance, to the library of the University of Crete in printed and electronic form.  A hard copy of the Thesis is kept at the School of Medicine.

In case of non-submission of the final  Research Diploma Thesis by the end of the second semester of the program, after the agreement of the Three Member Examination Committee, the student may be granted an extension of one academic semester for its submission. The extension of study shall be approved by the Program following the recommendation of the Programmer’s Steering Committee.

In case of a negative evaluation, the student may resubmit his/her thesis after two months after improving it according to the comments of the Three Member Examination Committee.

In the case of a second negative evaluation, the Program excludes the student from the awarding of the master’s degree and  his/her deregistration from the Program.

Suspension of Studies

Students have the right to request, by application, a suspension of their studies. Suspension is approved, for demonstrable serious reasons and only once for an academic year. Suspension of studies for more than one academic year may be granted only in cases of prolonged illness, certified by a public body.

Students who have received a suspension of studies shall not have student status for the entire period of interruption of their studies. The semesters of suspended student status shall not count towards the maximum period of regular study. Suspension may be terminated earlier than the prescribed period following a reasoned request for early termination of suspension.

Resumption of studies after suspension

A student who resumes his/her studies shall be obliged to attend all courses, seminars, etc., in which he/she was not successfully assessed before the suspension of his/her studies. A student who re-enters after a suspension of study shall continue to be subject to the study status of the year of his/her enrolment.

Deregistration of students

The reasons for deregistration are the following:

  • request of the student
  • the high rate of absences and unsatisfactory performance in the courses of the Program according to the student’s semesterly performance evaluation and the provisions of the rules of the Program
  • conduct that is in breach of academic ethics in accordance with the applicable legislation or the Code of Conduct

Method of calculating the final grade

The final grade is calculated based on the average grade of the student’s courses and the Research Diploma Thesis, depending on the weighting factor (ECTS) corresponding to each of them (weighted average).

Degree Requirements

The student is considered to have successfully completed his/her studies and is awarded a master’s degree if he/she has:

Α.  Successfully passed the required courses and laboratory exercises

Β.  Successfully passed the Research Diploma Thesis

C.  Accumulated the minimum number of ECTS credits: 120 and has successfully completed the four semesters of the program

D.  A degree grade of 7.0 or higher

E.   Fulfilled his/her financial obligations in the Program

General obligations of the students

Students have the following obligations: 

- To attend the courses of the current curriculum without interruption

- Submit the required assignments within the specified deadlines

- Attend the prescribed examinations

- Respect and comply with the Program’s Regulations, decisions and academic ethics.  

The rules of the institutions and facilities in general, as well as the rules of public health.

Academic Advisors

The Program appoints academic advisors for each student at the beginning of their studies.

The role of the academic advisor is to guide and advise the students on the progress and successful completion of their studies.  The services of the advisor are purely advisory in nature and do not impose any obligation on the students to whom they are provided.


 1. In memory of Professor Christina Spyraki, a scholarship of 600 € per month for one year is awarded to the students of the Program.

A  monthly payment of 600.00 € for one year, will be awarded based on the following criteria:

- 1st year scholarship

The student who will have the highest grade point average in the first year of his/her graduate studies

 - 2nd year scholarship

The student who:

- completed his/her studies in 2 years (until the 31st October, ratification by the General Assembly of the SoM)

- has acquired the highest final grade (Excellent) 

- will continue his/her graduate studies at the PhD level (should submit a letter of acceptance by a PhD program - in Greece or abroad - by the 31st of March of the year post completion of the Program)

2. "Maria Manasaki" Scholarship

The scholarship is given by the Maria Manasaki Endowment, which was established on July 25th2000.

The scholarship is announced annually and is posted on the website of the University of Crete, the corresponding Departments and the Press. The final approval for the nomination of the scholar, who is proposed by the University of Crete, is carried out by the Decentralized Administration of Crete - Directorate of National Endowments.

The duration of the scholarship is one year and the amount is determined after the decision of the Grant Scholarship Committee, according to the scholarship limits for graduate studies in Greece as defined by the Ministry of Finance.

Who can apply?

The Students of the School of Medicine and the School of Sciences and Technology of the University of Crete who have excelled in their studies and meet the following requirements:

Have the Greek nationality

Their age does not exceed their 36th year

They hold a diploma with at least a ‘Very Good’ degree (see below, paragraph 5)

They do not receive another scholarship for the same studies, from the same or another Endowment, Inheritance or Donation

Necessary documents:


Photocopy of police ID

Declaration of the N1599 / 1986 law

Diploma copy

Additional supporting documents specified by each Department

(Information can be obtained from the Secretariats of the School of Sciences and Engineering, the SoM and the Society for the Exploitation and Management of the Property of the University of Crete, Mrs. Eugenia Balafa, tel. 2810 393620).


Students can apply for an ERASMUS+ scholarship for a 6-month student exchange in order to perform their 2nd rotation and/or their research diploma thesis abroad in a European Institution (collaborator or not of the Program). Erasmus+


Students will attend many seminar series organized by the Program or other departments of the University of Crete and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB).

Research Seminars will be offered weekly/biweekly by all members of the Program (Heraklion, Rethymnon, and visiting collaborators from other Institutions outside Crete) who accept students for the laboratory rotations and the diploma thesis. The aim of this seminar series is to inform the students of the research performed in the laboratories of the faculty/researchers of the Program.

The students will also have the opportunity to attend many seminars by visiting professors or researchers from other departments of the University of Crete and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) that are not affiliated to the Program.

 Attendance to Neuroscience Meetings

Students will be informed of the Meetings of the Hellenic Society of Neuroscience and the Federation of European Societies (FENS).