Panayiota Poirazi, MD/PhD


Researcher A'

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology - FORTH

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Tel: 2810391139

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1996  BS in Mathematics

1998  MA in Biomedical Engineering

2000  PhD in Computational Neuroscience

2001  Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioinformatics


Research Interests

My lab is interested in understanding how dendrites and their integrative properties contribute to learning and memory functions. Towards this goal, we build abstract mathematical as well as detailed biophysical models of neural cells and circuits across multiple brain regions (hippocampus, amygdala, PFC) and abstraction levels (single neurons, microcircuits, neuronal networks). We then use the models to study how the anatomical, biophysical and plasticity properties of dendrites contribute to memory functions.



  • Foundation Santé, “Linking dendritic properties of neurons to prefrontal function using a multi- disciplinary approach,” 3/2018-2/2019
  • Neurocure Visiting Grant, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, in collaboration with Matthew Larkum. Project title “Linking dendrites to PFC network function: a multidisciplinary approach.”1/04/2016-30/03/2018
  • Marie Curie Incoming European Fellowship of the European Project title Evolution of gene regulatory networks by means of natural selection and genetic drift.” 1/04/2014-30/03/2016
  • ERC STG 2012: dEMORY: ‘Dissecting the Role of dendrites in memory’, Funding: European Research Council, 2012-2017.


Selected Publications

*corresponding author

  1. Turi G.F., Li W.K., Chavlis S., Pandi I., O’Hare J., Priestley J.B., Grosmark A.D., Liao Z., Ladow M., Zhang J.F., Zemelman B.V., Poirazi*, P., Losonczy A. Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide-Expressing Interneurons in the Hippocampus Support Goal-Oriented Spatial Learning. Neuron. 2019
  2. Frank, A.C., Huang, S., Zhou, M., Gdalyahu, A., Kastellakis, G., Wen, X., Silva, T.K., Poirazi*, , Trachtenberg, J.T, and Silva, A.J.. “Hotspots of Dendritic Spine Turnover Facilitate Learning-related Clustered Spine Addition and Network Sparsity” Nat Commun. 2018 9(1):422.
  3. Papoutsi, A., Kastellakis G., and Poirazi P. "Basal tree complexity shapes functional pathways in the prefrontal cortex” J. Neurophysiology 2017 Jul 12:jn.00099.2017
  4. Kastellakis G., Silva, A.J. and P. “Linking memories across time via neuronal and dendritic overlaps in model neurons with active dendrites”, Cell Reports (on the Cover), 17 (6): 1491-1504, 2016
  5. Chavlis, S., Petrantonakis, P., and Poirazi, P. “Dendrites of dentate gyrus granule cells contribute to pattern separation by controlling sparsity.” Hippocampus. 2017 Jan;27(1):89-110.